Fresh Bread Made Daily

At Gaetano's we take pride in having the freshest possible bread.  We take extra care when it comes to the proportions of the ingredients and putting them all together.  We are very proud of this process and by baking around seventy-five loaves a day we like to think we're pretty good at it.

Weighing out that dough

Nothing beats the fresh smell of bread in the morning and lucky for us, we have that everyday!

New Website

It's been long over due, but we are finally working on a new website to offer our community a better more informative resource.  We will be updating this blog section with announcements food-related articles.  While there is still much work to be done, we feel that this site is miles ahead of our old "1990's-style" site.  We appreciate your patience as we make this site a friendly way to navigate and connect with your favorite Italian restaurant!
